Join us for Beyond Reincanation March 29th

The Online Global SETH Conference

About the Conference

Greetings, I’m Rick Stack, President of New Awareness Network Inc., one of the publishers of the Seth books by Jane Roberts, and I am proud to announce the 2015 Online Global Seth Conference. Participants can use a computer, tablet, phone or smartphone. All presentations and interviews will be recorded, and participants will have access to the recordings 24 hours a day throughout the conference and for a period of three months thereafter. So, if you miss some of the live webinars, you can view them afterwards at your convenience.

This is actually the 10th conference we are producing, but the first one entirely online. As always, we strive to bring you an excellent group of presenters. This year we have the honor of hosting Lynne Mctaggart, bestselling author of “The Intention Experiment” and a leading voice in the new consciousness movement and the science of intention. Also, for the first time, we will have the rare privilege of hosting Susan M. Watkins, who was a close friend of Jane Roberts and is the author of the renowned “Conversations with Seth “ and “Speaking of Jane Roberts”. We are also greatly honored to have Dr Tien-Sheng Hsu returning as a presenter. He is a highly respected medical doctor, psychiatrist and author who uses the Seth material as a main component of his practice. See the complete list of our outstanding presenters below.

I began teaching classes on the Seth material in the late 1970’s and around that time Seth made a comment to me at Jane Robert’s class in Elmira, NY. Seth said, “So when I say to you let your classes thrill with quality, it is up to you to discover what quality means to you. And when I say to each of you, classes or no, that your lives be lives of quality, of beauty and of truth, I am not about to define beauty or truth for you. That is your challenge.”

And, in the many Seth classes and workshops that I have taught over the past 38 years , I have tried to follow Seth’s advice. And now, I will try my best to make these conferences also “thrill with quality”.

These Seth conferences will endeavor to help participants:

  • Understand the source of their being and join with the spontaneous inner self.
  • Become skillful and effective co-creators with All That Is and create your ideal life.
  • Experience reality without impediments.
  • Explore inner reality & move forward in working with dreams and Out-of-Body-Experiences.
  • Tune into what Seth refers to as the “higher intellect” and operate from “The Magical Approach.”

Looking forward to connecting with you at the conference!


Lynda Dahl

Lynda Madden Dahl

Lynda Madden Dahl is the award-winning author of 6 Seth-based books and co-founder of Seth Network International (, the global meeting place for Seth readers. She has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows, was co-host of a radio program, and has been a speaker at many Seth conferences. Her six books, including - "Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creation to Consistently Win at Life" and “Living a Safe Universe” (available at - stress the practical applications of the Sethian ideas.

Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart – Lynne McTaggart is one of the central voices in the new consciousness movement and a leading expert in the science of intention. She is the award-winning author of six books, including the worldwide bestsellers "The Field," "The Intention Experiment," "The Bond," and her books are now in some 30 languages. She has won many plaudits, including Kindred Spirit’s Spiritual Writer of the Year for 2013 and the Nautilus Awards Best Science Book of 2012. She is also the editorial director of What Doctors Don’t Tell You (, which publishes one of the world’s most highly praised health publications. Lynne is also the architect of the Intention Experiments, a web-based ‘global laboratory’ (, which was prominently featured in the plotline of Dan Brown’s blockbuster The Lost Symbol. Lynne has also appeared in many documentaries on the science of spirituality, including "What the Bleep?," "Down the Rabbit Hole," "The Living Matrix" and "I Am."

David Cielak

David Cielak

David Cielak (M.Sc. Rehabilitation) is a highly successful business owner who began studying the Seth material in the late 1970’s, when the book “Seth Speaks” literally fell off a bookstore shelf into his lap. A life theme of working with people in rehabilitation and welfare settings led to David’s interest in helping people to help themselves. This resulted in the formation of a number of companies that have grown to help thousands of disadvantaged people every year to gain and maintain employment. One of David’s key interests has been how to apply the concepts of the Seth material in a practical, fun, and widespread manner that helps clients, staff, management, companies and governments achieve their value fulfilling goals.

Dr. Tieng Shen-Hsu

Dr. Tieng Shen-Hsu

Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu is the founder of the rapidly expanding Taiwan Seth Education Foundation, with branches throughout Asia. He worked as a specialist in family medicine at the Renai branch of Taipei City Hospital but transferred to psychiatry to gain a deeper understanding of how the human psyche affects the body. After being a psychiatrist at Taipei City Psychiatric Center, he became the director of the mental health department at Taipei County Hospital. He currently runs the Seth Holistic Clinic in Taipei which treats mental and physical illness using Seth’s concepts and principles. The many people who have dramatically improved or healed themselves with the aid of what they learned from Dr Hsu, (and from their own subsequent study of the Seth material) have resulted in a burgeoning interest in the Seth material throughout Asia. As a result of Dr Hsu’s work, tens of thousands of people have been introduced to the Seth material and Seth Study groups and lectures continue on an ongoing basis in Malaysia, mainland China, Hong Kong and throughout Taiwan. Dr Hsu is the author of over 13 books and established a publishing company in Taiwan which is in the process of publishing all of the Seth books in Mandarin.

Glen Payne

Glen Payne

Glen Payne initially studied in the fields of biochemistry and microbiology, moving on to a 25 year career in Information Technology. During this time he presented at numerous IT conferences, receiving several ‘best paper’ awards. He has been a student of the Seth material since 1975 and has a particular interest in how modern cosmology is validating Seth’s explanation of the universe. Glen is co-founder of Seth Network Australia and an advocate for connecting the global community of Seth readers.

Irene O’Garden

Irene O’Garden

Irene O’Garden has been consciously creating a rich multidimensional artistic life since discovering Seth and Jane in 1981. Her critically acclaimed play, "Women On Fire," played to sold-out houses Off-Broadway and is published by Samuel French. Her play, Little Heart, staring Amanda Plummer, was produced in 2011. Irene’s book, "Fat Girl," about coming to peace with food and her body, was published with her drawings by Harper San Francisco. She has performed a rendition throughout the US and Canada. Her poetry is found in many literary journals and anthologies, and Harper has also published her best-selling and award-winning children’s books. She has garnered awards, fellowships and artist residencies, and founded a performing literary magazine now in its 24th year. She enjoys teaching workshops and traveling the world with her husband of 30 years. You can see her rendition of The Codicils at, under Books/Calligraphy.

Mary Dillman

Mary Dillman

Mary Dillman has dedicated the past 12 years to researching and helping to organize the original manuscripts, journals and papers of Jane Roberts that are archived at Yale University. Her work for the benefit of current and future scholars of the Seth material includes ongoing interviews with friends and associates of Jane Roberts and Rob Butts, including former ESP class members. These interviews, as well as documents and audio tapes, are forming an ancillary collection for eventual use by other researchers. In her presentations Mary enjoys sharing her discoveries along with her adventures and insights from using the Jane/Rob/Seth ideas in her own life.

Virginia Bennett

Virginia Bennett

Virginia Bennett, Ph. D. is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Berkeley, California. In addition to being a professor of graduate level psychology, she has a doctorate in parapsychology, and has specialized in the use of hypnosis for 25 years. She has worked—and played—with the Seth material for forty years. Personally and professionally, she has sought an integration of mainstream psychology and metaphysical explorations, including past life regressions, lucid dreaming, altered states, and probable realities. Ranging from a theoretical view of our multidimensionality, to a grounded application of creating a life worth living, she is ever guided by Seth’s comment, “If it isn’t fun, stop doing it?”

Rick Stack

Rick Stack

Rick Stack was a friend and student of Seth & Jane Roberts and personally attended over 100 Seth sessions given in Jane Roberts' classes in Elmira, NY. He is the President of New Awareness Network Inc.,, and publisher/editor of The Seth Audio Collection, The Seth Material, The Early Sessions (Books 1-9 of the Seth Material), The Personal Sessions, and other books by Jane Roberts. Author of "Out Of Body Adventures" (Contemporary Books 1988), he has been teaching courses and workshops on the Seth material, dreams, out of body experiences, parapsychology and consciousness studies throughout the United States and abroad for 38 years. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including Coast to Coast with George Noury. Over a 20 year period Rick worked with Jane's husband Rob Butts on the publication of previously unpublished Seth material. His current projects include being on the board of advisors for The World Peace Foundation, and a global outreach program to educate and introduce people to the Seth material ( and

Robert Waggoner

Robert Waggoner

Robert Waggoner is the author of "Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self," and a past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD). For the last ten years, he has been co-editor of the online magazine, "The Lucid Dream Exchange," the only ongoing publication devoted specifically to lucid dreaming. Robert frequently speaks on lucid dreaming at national and international dream conferences, workshops and college classrooms.


Sue Watkins

Sue Watkins

Susan M. Watkins is the author of “Conversations with Seth,” the highly regarded classic about the “Seth classes” held by Jane Roberts in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. She is a former newspaper reporter and columnist, and was a friend and student of Jane Roberts. She is also the author of “Speaking of Jane Roberts,” “Garden Madness,” “Dreaming Myself Dreaming a Town,” and “What a Coincidence!”

Tom Oliver

Tom Oliver

Termed “an extraordinary leader” by Deepak Chopra, Tom is the Author of the McGraw Hill bestseller “Nothing Is Impossible”. He founded the Global Leadership Circle at Manchester Business School (whose MBA doctoral program is ranked # 1 in the world). He also created the World Peace Foundation and World Peace Festival, supported by business leaders like Richard Branson and called “the most influential peace gathering in history” by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu. Tom is a global keynote speaker on maximizing personal, leadership, and business potential and is a long time reader of the Seth books.

Nancy Ashley

Nancy Ashley

Nancy Ashley is the author of the acclaimed Seth work book trilogy, "Create Your Own Reality," "Create Your Own Happiness," and "Create Your Own Dreams." Formerly a professor of writing at the University of Hawaii, she is now retired, and continues her decades-long study of the Seth material. Nancy currently lives in Ewa Beach, Hawaii.

Barrie Gellis

Barrie Gellis

Barrie Gellis, M.A. was a former member of Jane Roberts ESP class (one of the NY boys) and was referred to as "our poet" by Seth in the Oct 31, 1972 Class. He was a Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation Specialist in a High School and was a High School English Teacher in New York City for twenty years. He has produced two public access TV shows for QPTV in Queens NY, has published over seventy poems in various magazines, and is the author of the poetry book "Outside is a Secret Key", a collection of poems that relate to Seth's ideas. Additionally, he has been very active online for eleven years and has created a number of ongoing Seth message boards — as well as hosting a bimonthly cyber Seth chat. Barrie's presentation will highlight Seth's description of the goodness, love and compassion inherent in all people and how Seth's concepts empower each person to become accountable in a loving way for their own lives — while caring about the well-being of others.

Ejay Jamb

Ejay Jamb

Ejay Jamb is a woman of many talents. Her varied career has included being a librarian, an accounts manager, a writer, a poet and a teacher of martial arts, yoga and vegetarian cooking. Being a humorist, she sees the funny side of life and laughingly describes herself as irreverent. She is also the creator and online administrator for Seth Network Australia ( is committed to supporting Seth readers make sense of what is often considered ‘dense’ information.

Deborah Hickey

Deborah Hickey

Deborah Hickey,Ph.D.,LMFT,RPT-S has been studying the Seth materials for forty years and is a licensed clinical mental health practitioner specializing in Marriage and Family Therapy and Play Therapy. She did her doctorate dissertation on the subject of lucid dreaming in school age children, and her current studies include a focus on the growing links between Sethian principles and recent discoveries in interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB). Deborah’s work and study as a registered play therapy supervisor has given her unique insights into the value and nuances of what Seth has already told us about play… playing is very important and very good for us, at all ages, and in every area of our lives.

Something for everyone

Our conferences are designed to help people at all levels to increase their understanding of themselves and their universe, connect with their own greater inner wisdom, and maximize their joy and fulfillment in all areas. The people who attend our conferences are very diverse. Some of them have just recently made self understanding and spiritual exploration a priority in their lives. Others have been concentrating on such activities for years. Some have just recently heard about Seth, and others have been reading the Seth books for decades. We have people attending from countries throughout the globe and from all walks of life. Many who attend already have an appreciation of the astounding quality, clarity and importance of the Seth books. So whether you are a beginner or an old hand, join us and enjoy these conferences, as we work together to awaken to our greater nature and keep this wonderful material alive.

How it will work

Most events (Interviews and Presentations) will be held at around 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time) and 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time), on weekdays, between Sept 28 – Oct 9, 2015. If you can’t attend the events live, no problem, they are all recorded. Each participant will have access to the recordings 24 hours a day during the conference and for an additional three months thereafter. Some of the recordings will also have a visual component like slides, or photos, so those are best watched on a computer or tablet or smartphone. We will also have a presentation at a convenient time for the Australia-Asia Time Zone. See the full schedule below, and we may have some last minute additions that we will let all registrants know about by email.Simple, detailed instructions will be sent out to each participant explaining how to participate in the conference. These instructions will include how to view live presentations, how to use a phone or computer, how to access the recordings, and all other pertinent information.

How it will work

All conference presentations and workshops classes are recorded for later viewing in case you can't make the scheduled time.

Conference Schedule

Monday 9/28/15

Rick Stack Introduction and Presentation: Seth on Illumination and Expansion of Consciousness 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Tuesday 9/29/15

Lynne McTaggart The Leading Edge Science of Intention: Evidence that Thought Can Change Your Life and the World 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Wednesday 9/30/15

Mary Dillman My Research Project Past and Present 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Dr Tien-Sheng Hsu MD Using the Seth Material for Health and Healing 8:30 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Thursday 10/01/15

Irene O’Garden Fear Itself: A Sethian Perspective 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Sue Watkins A Conversation with Sue Watkins 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Friday 10/2/15

Lynda Madden Dahl Living a Safe Universe: Seth and Psychic Health 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Monday 10/05/15

Glen Payne Parallels between Quantum Physics and the Seth material. 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Virginia Bennett The Inner Self and the Ego: Which You Is You? 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Tuesday 10/06/15

David Cielak Using Seth's Concepts for Improving Your Job, Creating and Running a Business or Advancing Your Career 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Nancy Ashley Educating the Ego 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Wednesday 10/07/15

Barrie Gellis The Secret About The Secret 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Robert Waggoner Using Dreams and Lucid Dreams To Create Your Reality 8:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Thursday 10/08/15

Ejay Jamb Part 1) A Concise Introduction to Seth
Part 2) Moving from Haphazard to Harmonious Constructions.
US 6:30 AM EDT (Eastern Time) = 8:30 PM AEST Australia Time
= (9:30 PM AEDT) Australian Eastern Daylight Time

Thursday 10/08/15

Deborah Hickey – Ph.D Playing as a Central Practice in Creating Preferred Realities: Connections between Seth & Recent Discoveries in Neuroscience 3:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Friday 10/09/15

Tom Oliver Maximizing Your Life: Using Seth's Teachings to Create Your Most Fulfilled Reality 2:00 PM EDT (Eastern Time)

Conference Registration

The Online Global Seth Conference will be held from September 28, 2015 through October 9, 2015. Please refer to the conference schedule above for exact dates and times. All of the live conference events are recorded for later viewing, and you can view them again (or for the first time if you missed it live), at any time during the conference and for 3 months thereafter.

Special Offer - Register for both of our Fall events together and take 25% off each.
(Seth Online Conference + Seth Online Course: See discount in Option 2 below)
For information on Seth Intensive Course Click HERE

Option 2. Save 25% off each: Purchase Seth Conference + Seth Online Course together.
After selecting your option, click the "Register for the Conference” button below.

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