The Personal Sessions
By Jane Roberts
Important Note: Seth has indicated that "The Early Sessions" books are foundational in the study of the Seth material. It is HIGHLY recommended that "The Early Sessions" books 1 through 9 are read PRIOR to reading “The Personal Sessions.”
The Personal Sessions, originally referred to as “the deleted sessions,” are Seth sessions that Jane Roberts and Rob Butts considered to be of a highly personal nature and were therefore kept in separate notebooks from the main body of the Seth material. In addition, "The Personal Sessions" will contain some regular Seth sessions that were inadvertently never published.
“The great value I see now in the many deleted or private sessions is that they have the potential to help others, just as they helped Jane and me over the years. I feel that it’s very important to have these sessions added to Jane’s fine creative body of work for all to see.” -
Rob Butts