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Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment Volume 2

by Jane Roberts

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment Volume 2

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment Volume 2

by Jane Roberts

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This two volume book was the last of the Seth books to be published. In these books, Seth continues his explanation of how the physical world is an ongoing self-creation. Seth explains the link between reincarnation and genetics, showing how the human species keeps within its genetic bank millions of characteristics that might be needed in various contingencies, and how the soul employs both physical "handicaps" and advantages as springboards for further achievement. He charts the roles of individual reason and imagination in sharing and sharpening group destinies. In this work Seth also introduces his "Magical approach" to life. A joyful and uplifting vision of how our lives can be lived and our abilities and capacities can be best developed.

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