Coming Soon
Seth: “Mankind has learned to explore the physical environment, but has barely begun the greater inner journeys that will be embarked upon as the inner lands of the psyche are joyously and bravely explored.”
Seth: “There is nothing wrong with the conscious mind. You have simply put a lid on it, allowing it to be only so conscious, and no more…The idea, then, is not to annihilate normal consciousness, but quite literally to expand it by bringing into its focus other levels of reality that it can indeed intrinsically perceive and utilize…”
Seth: “Distorted ideas about sexuality prevent many people from attaining any close connection with the inner experience that continually stirs beneath ordinary consciousness. It is a good idea, then, to look at the psyche and its relationship to sexual identity.”

This 7 week facilitated online course is an interactive and experiential deep dive into Seth’s acclaimed book, The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression, which contains one of the most brilliant and revealing descriptions of the human psyche ever written. The course will include practice with Seth’s exercises in other modes of perception, that, according to Seth “will bring you in contact with other kinds of knowing”. These exercises are designed to expand normal consciousness, and increase your understanding and experience of both inner and outer reality.
The course will also include live instructional webinars, question and answer sessions with the instructor, weekly Seth reading assignments, dream work and interactive online communication with fellow participants. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions using a microphone and headset, and participate in a virtual classroom setting from their own computer.
The course is designed to create a highly engaging and collaborative learning environment that will bring alive the concepts and exercises in Seth’s book and assist participants in taking substantial steps forward in applying these concepts to their daily lives and exploring their own psyches. Together, we will develop relationships to the psyche that enhance our joy and fulfillment, and increase our quality of life in all areas including, health, relationships, finances, and general well-being.
Topics and activities include:
- The environment of the psyche
- Weeding out limiting beliefs and using the power of the psyche to create ideal realities
- Your dreaming psyche is awake: The nature of dreams and how you can use them to great benefit
- Love and making love: The nature of human sexual expression
- Astounding revelations on the role of rigid sex roles in causing repressed energy, global problems and interfering with humanity’s spiritual growth
- How dreams can prevent chronic illnesses by providing important therapeutic information
- The true basis of homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexuality, and their private and social effects
- Exercises to expand your awareness of the deeper portions of your psyche and enhance your everyday existence.
- How love and cooperation form the basis of all life
- Humankind’s innate good intent
- Languages, Gods, Characteristics of pure energy, The universe and the Psyche and lots more