Join us for Beyond Reincanation March 29th
Join Seth Explorers Society

Join Seth Explorers Society

Join a community of other curious adventurers as we learn to apply the Seth materials in our lives through online classes, events and community activities.

Register Today

Members in the Seth Explorers Society can expect a rich and lively range of Seth-related content and experiences offered by a team of dedicated teachers and most of all, a supportive community of like-minded explorers.

Your Monthly Membership Includes Your Monthly Membership Includes:

  • 4 ongoing Seth Explorers classes each month
  • A monthly community event to kick off the theme of the month
  • A program of activities in our community platform
  • Various bonuses, discounts, and special access privileges
Become a Member
Your Monthly Membership Includes

Monday Seth Explorers Classes Monday Seth Explorers Classes

These classes meet the first four Mondays of the month from 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST. The Seth & Dreams class is led by instructor Robert Waggoner, along with Ileana Lartigue. The Key Principles class is led by instructor David Cielak – see all instructor bios below. Each class is approximately two hours long with one break.

Seth Explorers Class: 1st & 3rd Mondays

Seth Explorers Class:
1st & 3rd Mondays

The theme for the first and third Mondays is Seth & Dreams. We'll explore Seth's teachings on dreams and lucid dreams. Class includes exercises and techniques, belief work, dream incubations, and how to use dreams and lucid dreams as a path to personal growth, health, abundance, and spiritual wisdom.

Key Principles of Seth Material: 2nd & 4th Mondays

Key Principles of Seth Material:
2nd & 4th Mondays

The classes on the second and fourth Mondays focus on the key principles of the Seth materials. We'll read short excerpts from the Seth materials, listen to audio clips of Seth speaking, practice Seth-related exercises and methods, and share our experiences. The emphasis is always on the practical application of the Seth materials to our daily lives.

Membership Perks Membership Perks

Community Activities

Community Activities

The community platform is a place to engage in thought-provoking discussions, ask questions, share your experiences and interact with other curious explorers. We’ll also offer many fun and interesting community activities, challenges, experiments and games.

Monthly Themed Event

Monthly Themed Event

At the beginning of each month, we host a live event on the theme of the month. Then throughout the month, the community explores the theme in the community platform with activities, discussion, and study.

Discounts & Bonus

Discounts & Bonus

The Seth Center offers several different 4-8-week online courses to explore different areas of personal growth. Members will receive exclusive discounts on these courses as well different exclusive content offers and  bonuses.

Become a Member
Instructor Bios

Instructor Bios Instructor Bios

David Cielak

David Cielak is a frequent presenter at the US and European conferences of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD). His presentations often focus on Seth’s teachings in the area of dreams and his most recent presentation was on Seth, Dreams and Health. Dave has been studying the Seth material since the 1970s when the book “Seth Speaks” literally fell off a bookstore shelf into his lap. He credits Seth’s concepts and dream state practices with helping him achieve success in building large-scale social welfare organizations that have helped thousands of disabled and disadvantaged people obtain and maintain employment. Dave has taught many courses in the area of dreams, facilitated many dream groups, and is the Program Director of New Awareness Network Inc.

Robert Waggoner

Robert Waggoner is the author of Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, and a past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and has been a longtime co-editor of the online magazine, The Lucid Dream Experience, the only ongoing publication devoted specifically to lucid dreaming. Robert successfully taught himself how to lucid dream in 1975, and since then has logged more than one thousand lucid dreams. He is a frequent speaker on lucid dreaming at national and international dream conferences, workshops and college classrooms. Rob has been an avid reader of the Seth material, since 1976.

Ileana Lartigue

Ileana Lartigue is a graphic designer and artist. She has spent her life traveling and has resided in many countries. Today she lives and works in France. She has been actively working with The Seth Material since she discovered it in a library in Paris, in 2013. Her focus quickly turned to Seth’s teachings on dreams. The nightly journeyings of dreaming were a natural extension to her waking travels. She has dedicated her nights to the exploration of the dreamscape through dreaming and lucid dreaming and has become very familiar with the terrain. She recently participated in the translation of Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality into Spanish.

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