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Out of Body Adventures
by Rick Stack
A Seth Companion Book

by New Awareness Network Inc.

Out of Body Adventures<br>by Rick Stack<br>A Seth Companion Book

Out of Body Adventures
by Rick Stack
A Seth Companion Book

by New Awareness Network Inc.

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Rick Stack, who studied directly with Seth in the 1970's, presents step by step techniques for inducing Out of Body Experiences (O.B.E.'s) that even beginners have used with ease. It walks the reader through preliminary dream work, belief work for creating a mental climate conducive to O.B.E.'s and methods of overcoming fear, so that the reader will be able to successfully utilize the Out of Body induction techniques.  Additional topics include; time travel, how to meet reincarnational selves face to face, astral sex, communicating with guides and teachers and much more.

About the author: Rick Stack, author, publisher, and educator, has taught classes on Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming, The Seth Material and Consciousness Studies throughout the US and abroad for over 35 years. He was a friend and student of Jane Roberts, author of the Seth books, and is the President of New Awareness Network Inc. and director of The Seth Educational Institute.

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