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Rick Stack -
Rick Stack, M.S. Ed., was a student of Seth & Jane Roberts and personally attended over 100 Seth sessions given in Jane Roberts' classes in Elmira, NY. He is the President of New Awareness Network Inc., "The Seth Bookstore" ( and publisher/editor of The Seth Audio Collection, The Early Sessions (Books 1-9 of the Seth Material), The Personal Sessions, and other books by Jane Roberts. Author of "Out Of Body Adventures" (Contemporary Books 1988), he has been teaching workshops on the Seth material, Dreams, Out of Body Experiences and metaphysics throughout the United States and abroad for over 35 years. He has been on the faculty of many schools throughout the United States and has appeared on numerous radio and television shows. Over a 20 year period Rick worked with Jane's husband Rob Butts on the publication of previously unpublished Seth material. His current projects include being on the board of advisors for The World Peace Festival Berlin, and a global outreach program to educate and introduce people to the Seth material (

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