For questions or to register by phone call
(516) 869-9108
Mon-Fri 9:30am - 4:30pm EST.
To register online or by mail use the form below.
(516) 869-9108
Mon-Fri 9:30am - 4:30pm EST.
To register online or by mail use the form below.
The 3rd Annual East Coast Seth Conference
New York, NY - Sat November 12, 2011
Location - The Hotel Pennsylvania
401 Seventh Ave, New York NY 10001 (at 33rd St)
To minimize hotel sleeping room costs we advise attendees to use Expedia.com or other travel sites to find best rates for the many midtown Manhattan hotels near our hotel.Discounted rates for The Pennsylvania Hotel are (not cheap) $189 one bed, $209 two beds and can be booked by calling 1-800-223-8585, and saying you are with The Seth Conference.
Cancellation Policy
Full Refunds are available (less a $35 processing fee) up to 8 days prior to the conference.
Credit for future conferences or workshops are available if you give notice between seven and one day before the conference.
Register Prior to 9/24/11 - $150
Register Prior to 10/15/11 - $175
Register On or after 10/15/11 - $200
To Register Online or By Mail use the form below.
You will be given the option to pay online or to mail in your order with payment.
* Required Fields