Course starts February 9, 2023
Seth: “The concepts in ‘Unknown’ Reality will help expand the consciousness of each of its readers, and the work itself is presented in such a manner that it automatically pulls your awareness out of its usual grooves, so that it bounces back and forth between the standardized version of the world you accept, and the unofficial versions that are sensed but generally unknown to you…”
Seth: “…This book is a bridge between realities. Reading it, each person sets out upon a psychic pilgrimage through the unknown realities of his or her own consciousness and experience.”
This eight-week facilitated online course examines the key concepts of The Unknown Realty (Vol. 1 & 2), how these concepts can be used to improve your life and understanding, and how they are validated by recent scientific discoveries. The course is a combination of clearly presented concepts from Seth, consciousness techniques, dream explorations, Seth reading assignments and interactive online communication with fellow participants. It will include videotaped lectures, and a weekly live online class with the instructor. It will also include working with 17 of Seth’s ‘Practice Elements,’ which are experiential exercises in consciously creating personal reality and exploring advanced aspects of consciousness.
Topics and activities include:
- What is the ‘Unknown’ Reality?
- The basic units of consciousness that constitute all existence
- Parallel universes, probable realities, the probability system, and how they affect daily life
- How to use probable realities to create your ideal life
- Reality blueprints
- The true nature of consciousness
- A history of consciousness on Earth
- The dream-art scientist, the mental physicist, and the complete physician
- How evolution actually works
- Methods to explore the ‘Unknown’ Reality
- Understanding and utilizing the dream universe
- Dream ‘photography’

Seth: “The ‘Unknown’ Reality was written to give individuals glimpses into alternate patterns of reality. It was meant to serve as a map that would lead, not into another objectified universe per se, but into inner roads of consciousness.”
You will need a copy of The “Unknown” Reality Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 which are the two textbooks for this course and available at 50% off at time of registration. (If you have the ebook versions that’s fine).Glen Payne
initially studied in the fields of biochemistry and microbiology, moving on to a 25-year career in Information Technology. He has been researching the Seth material since 1975 and has a particular interest in how leading-edge scientific theories support Seth’s explanation of the cosmos. He is a regular presenter at the conferences produced by New Awareness Network and The Seth Educational Institute, and has provided excellent and very-well-received presentations on many topics including “Parallels between the Seth material and Quantum Physics,” and The Latest Scientific Validation of the Seth Material.”
Dates: Course starts Thursday February 9, 2023 and ends April 5, 2023.
Live online classes are a part of the course and will be held on Thursday nights.
Online webinars held 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Time.
Webinar dates: Thursday nights, February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2023.
Course fee: $149
To Register online: Go to
To Register by phone or for questions:
Call 516-869-9108, M-F 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Eastern Time

If you can’t make every live class, that’s OK, they are all recorded for replay, and all assignments and online activities can be done at your leisure at any time during the week. Simple instructions will be provided on how to join the live weekly online class. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions using a telephone or headset and participate in a virtual classroom setting from their own computer, tablet or mobile phone.