Seth MP3 #16 - Digital Download - Seth Session & Transcript
by Jane Roberts
Description- Includes "The Christmas class", Seth Discusses: Christmas, Christ, Santa Claus, The rebirth of the self, the inner self, Probable selves, life after death, Pan, Buddha, religious "Myths", when you think the myths are reality they can entrap you, trusting your flesh, Christmas trees and what they experience, Beliefs about good and evil, violence, feeling the vitality within the atoms and molecules of your body, speaking kindly to yourselves, people who are blind, What to do if your feeling despondent, The ego as a portion of the inner self, valuing the ego, why people find it difficult to look within, rejecting beliefs about guilt, original sin and evil, displaying emotion, Feeling the vitality, laughter and joy that is your being. JANE reads two of her poems. SUMARI SINGING