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Seth MP3 #43 - Digital Download - Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

Seth MP3 #43 - Digital Download - Seth Session & Transcript
Seth MP3 #43 - Digital Download - Seth Session & Transcript

Seth MP3 #43 - Digital Download - Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

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(Note: This CD also contains a 3 minute inspiring talk by Jane Roberts (as herself) Seth discusses: The “wise old man” and “eternal child” within, Dreams as the other side of waking life,  the importance of writing down your dreams, how to remember dreams, why people forget dreams, when you know your entire self you will be pleased,  physical life as a dream that you are awake,  the inner self, probable realities,  there is nothing in All That Is to be afraid of, “it is only when you do not know yourself that you fear you are evil and are afraid to look within,” Includes Sumari Singing

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