Join us for 2 new workshops in February

Seth CD #12- 6/13/72 & 8/29/72 Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

Seth CD #12- 6/13/72 & 8/29/72 Seth Session & Transcript
Seth CD #12- 6/13/72 & 8/29/72 Seth Session & Transcript

Seth CD #12- 6/13/72 & 8/29/72 Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

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Description- This tape includes a session attended by Richard Bach, best-selling author of "ONE" and "Johnathan Livingston Seagull". Seth talks to Richard Bach about feeling the energy of his being, includes a Sumari song of welcome to Richard Bach. Seth discusses: How to stop closing down certain feelings and emotions, allowing emotions mobility, how to experience "Happiness". Simultaneous time, reincarnation, How to understand your being, Sumari singing.

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