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Seth CD #15-11/7/72 & 11/21/72 Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

Seth CD #15-11/7/72 & 11/21/72 Seth Session & Transcript
Seth CD #15-11/7/72 & 11/21/72 Seth Session & Transcript

Seth CD #15-11/7/72 & 11/21/72 Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

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Description- Seth discusses: The causes of war, Unilateral disarmament, Reality as a replica of your thoughts, How to put an end to war, Seth comments on "draft dodging", Seth gives the class a "Prime" belief to focus on and recommends scratching out all beliefs that conflict with it, Seth discusses: Beliefs, Invisible beliefs, Beliefs about worth, being fat, loneliness, poverty, Discovering and Changing beliefs, "perfection", transferring feeling of success to other areas, Feeling the joy of your being, The potentials of the conscious mind, Jane translates Sumari, Seth gives the class a written homework assignment on beliefs. SUMARI singing.

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