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  • The Complete Works of Seth and Jane Roberts
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  • Originally written as a manual to help people develop ESP, this book wound up being much more as Jane contacted Seth for the first time as a result of trying out the exercises for this book

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  • $12.00

  • Seth referred to Barrie Gellis as "our poet" in his very first words to him in Jane Roberts' class on October 31, 1972. Outside Is A Secret Key is a powerful and inspiring collection of poems which explore the "secret keys", the links between daily events and the personal psyche.

    "And now a word from your poet: Emerson believed that every word was once a great poem. Perhaps, then, every object was once a great symbol. Could it be that each hair, then, is a map leading to sunken treasures? My poems celebrate the wonder, sadness, confusion and joy of the human experience. Outside is a secret key that contains spiritual answers found in every day life... (From the Preface)

    Barrie Gellis was a member of Jane Roberts' Seth/ESP classes in Elmira, NY and also attended Jane Roberts' poetry workshops. He is featured in Susan Watkins book, Conversations With Seth.

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