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See how Seth is changing lives!

Rich Bobruk

Somerset, UK

The Seth Material has really helped me over the years as it has helped me to empower myself and realise that I create my own reality.

This realization has helped me to make beneficial changes to my life in very real ways: helping to change some negative thought patterns and helping me to realise that I am not my thoughts.

As strange as that sounds, when I realised that I was not my thoughts I was able to let go of many beliefs and thoughts that no longer served me easily and quickly.

It also helped me to look at our reality in a very new way, with Seth's explanations of probable realities etc, the things that our scientists are starting to explain now as fact.

It has been part of my reading material for 10 years since I first came across it. In fact it always will be a part of my study on the nature of our reality.  Thanks Seth, and thanks Rick for keeping this material out there!

Rich's Favorite Seth Books:

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