The World View of Paul Cezanne
by Jane Roberts

This exclusive edition is only available in print directly from Seth Center.
Seth wrote the introduction for THE WORLD VIEW OF PAUL CEZANNE, an extraordinary book in which Jane Robert's tunes into the attitudes, thoughts, and emotions of the great artist Paul Cezanne. In the introduction Seth states, "In the case of this manuscript . . . the Roberts mind momentarily and purposefully gave up its own characteristic view of reality and traveled psychologically into the realm of Paul Cezanne's. There is no time barrier at such levels. In your terms it is as if the Roberts mind simply switched to an elevated superhighway that is not visible usually from a lower one . . . Paul Cezanne's reality continues. In a manner of speaking, you can say he outgrew the canvas of his own earthly experience . . . The living of a life, is in itself, however, an art form of far greater proportion. This manuscript should enhance that multidimensional but uniquely earthly existence, the art of earth living, in which each of the readers of this book is involved.