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Seth CD #7 - "Safe Universe" Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

Seth CD #7 - "Safe Universe" Seth Session & Transcript
Seth CD #7 - "Safe Universe" Seth Session & Transcript

Seth CD #7 - "Safe Universe" Seth Session & Transcript

by Jane Roberts

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Description-One of the most powerful recorded Seth sessions, this audiotape includes: Seth's description of the "official line of consciousness", how to shift to a new framework, exercises, Sumari singing and much more. Definitely one of the very best class sessions! "You have an entire civilization and world set up about those beliefs I have just given you--that the universe is not safe..." -Seth

Excerpts from The Safe Universe Audio (Seth Audio #7)

"You have an entire civilization and world set up about those beliefs I have just given you-that the universe is not safe ... that you must defend yourselves from enemies that come from without, and, worse of all , from enemies that are within. As long as you believe that you dwell in a universe that is a threat, you must defend yourself against it .... The official line of consciousness forms a world about it and you perceive and experience that world ... while you devote yourself to that official line of consciousness the world will always appear the same - evil, disastrous, bound only for destruction ... You need not say "The universe is safe" for at your present level, that will only enrage you. You say instead, "I Live in a Safe Universe, " and so you shall. And those defenses that you set up against threats will crumble, for they will not be needed ... The most I can do is to acquaint you with the authority of your own psyche - to give you a trust in the nature of your being. For, if you trust what you are, you can never go wrong in whatever terms you use. You can fly through belief systems as a butterfly flies through back yards

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